Making Your Meetings More Efficient
Selling is a team effort, and one of the best ways to harness the full power…
Storytelling and the Young African Leadership Initiative
I was humbled and invigorated by the experience, especially the incredibly moving stories. I learned that…
Connecting Through Storytelling: Unleash the Power of Compelling Communication
Help your team increase its effectiveness by using storytelling to create authentic, meaningful, and memorable connections.
The Importance of the Pre-Question Statement
There is no overstating the value of questioning in the sales process. In fact, many believe…
Shaping Organizational Culture this Fourth of July
The idea that a group of leaders could create an event so galvanizing that people would…
7 Tips for Talking to Clients about Price Increases
Telling clients that you need to raise prices may not be the most comfortable discussion, but…
How Do You Work with Clients You Don’t Like?
Sales professionals are in the people business. That is what we do. But let’s face it:…