Leaders Need Emotional Intelligence in E-mail

I came across an article in Chief Learning Officer’s online magazine that shines a spotlight on a critical area: emotional intelligence in e-mail. We think of emotional intelligence as it applies to live human interaction, but today we spend most of our time communicating electronically. This increases the chances that we’ll mess up and offend a reader.
When emotional intelligence in e-mail is missing, it pinpoints a lack of what we call reader-centered writing.
The first step to any e-mail or proposal is understanding your reader’s point of view and how he or she might react. Sending a curt message or using a tough tone can be deadly to your virtual team; it defeats cooperation. Leaders need a positive, constructive voice in e-mail, but many don’t even know they aren’t using one. I’ve spent my career developing tools and techniques for self-assessment and adding emotional intelligence to e-mail. Studies show that companies that communicate effectively have higher returns to their shareholders. (2009/2010 Watson Wyatt Communication ROI Study).
Read this insightful article on Emotional Intelligence: http://clomedia.com/articles/view/how-emotional-intelligence-disappears-in-e-mail