Presence and Leadership
7 Communication Do’s and Don’ts for Leaders
“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can…
Why Storytelling Works: The Science
The human brain has a strong tendency to lose focus. It is estimated to engage in…
Connecting Through Storytelling: Unleash the Power of Compelling Communication
Help your team increase its effectiveness by using storytelling to create authentic, meaningful, and memorable connections.
Are You Hearing or Listening? Decoding the Difference
The lack of a sale on the front end can result in bigger sales further down…
5 Common Mistakes in Writing Technical Documents
You may have all the enthusiasm in the world for your software or medical device, but…
3 Smart E-mail Strategies to Keep Customers Happy
Are you focusing on what you have to say or on what your client wants to know? You strategize…
Buzzword Buzzkill: Make the Workplace Jargon Stop
You are creating a bubble and it’s hard for anyone, especially new employees, to be in…