Presence and Leadership
Tips for Writing in the Tech Industry
You speak tech. All day, you and your colleagues chatter in tech among yourselves in a…
Five Narratives That Move Organizations
The next time you are scheduled to run a town hall meeting, get buy-in for a…
Connecting Through Storytelling: Unleash the Power of Compelling Communication
Help your team increase its effectiveness by using storytelling to create authentic, meaningful, and memorable connections.
5 Ways to Reach Out to a Virtual Colleague
What can you do to reach out and connect with your virtual team member, direct report,…
An Unusually Good (If Not Perfect) Leadership Writing Example
Leadership is fundamentally a relationship, and an apology, when it's warranted, is an investment in the…
The Leader as Host: Three Key Practices to Optimize Your Meetings
I noticed in my colleague an attitude of service and attention that remained for the full hour. There…
Tips for a Better Phone Presence
These days, many of us work globally with teams split up across continents and time zones.…