
Scott Seagren

Scott Seagren

Concord, NH


  • US Mid-West

Scott Seagren is a trusted advisor to hundreds of successful leaders committed to developing a healthy, highly productive culture and sustainable workforce. He is passionate about evolving conscious leadership one courageous conversation at a time.

Having jumped into the chaotic world of commodities trading at the Chicago Board of Trade, Scott successfully managed a multi-million dollar options portfolio as a professional market maker. He ran a futures brokerage business for international agribusiness conglomerates for nearly 20 years. The trading floor galvanized his calm demeanor and deep inner strength in response to intense emotions and in-your-face competition.

In 2004, Scott left the trading floor to leverage his understanding of people and how they interact with each other – the human capital component of business – into a full-time practice. Scott is trained and certified as a mediator, professional coach, systems (team) coach, and group facilitator.

Scott delivers leadership development workshops for corporations and groups where communication, leadership, and conflict issues obstruct authentic conversation, resulting in better listening, more effective leadership, and higher team productivity. He spends most of his time personally coaching senior executives and their teams in various industries.

Clients include US Foods, AbbVie, Walgreens, Panasonic, Starcom MediaVest Group, McGraw-Hill, John Crane, USG, United Airlines, Hyatt, McDonald’s, Komatsu, Livcor, Astellas, Kellogg School of Business EMBA, KPMG, AmeriCorps VISTA, the U.S. Department of Education, and the U.S.D.A.

Scott chairs a CEO roundtable in Chicago through Vistage International, the world’s leading chief executive organization. Scott is also a regular speaker to CEO groups nationwide on developing dynamic listening skills. He is the author of the upcoming book, The Warrior’s Compass: A Guide to Moving from the Safety of the Known to the Unknown in Life and Leadership.

Scott is currently based in Chicago, Illinois.


  • Coaches Training Institute
  • Conflict Dynamics Profile
  • CRR Global
  • Enneagram
  • ICF (International Coach Federation) – PCC
  • Hogan
  • Leadership Circle Profile 360
  • Predictive Index
  • StrengthsFinder
  • Team Diagnostic Assessment
  • The Center for Conflict Resolution
  • Zenger-Folkman


  • Bachelor of Arts in English & Economics, Northwestern University

Practice Areas

  • 360-Degree Feedback
  • Executive Coaching
  • Executive On-Boarding
  • Leadership Development
  • Team Coaching & Facilitation